Meta Quest Pro vs. Quest 2: The Ultimate VR Showdown


Meta Quest Pro vs. Quest 2: The Ultimate VR Showdown


- The Quest Pro is Meta's latest virtual reality headset, priced at $1500, significantly more expensive than the Quest 2.

- In this comparison, we'll explore the hardware and abilities of these two headsets.

 Quest 2 vs. Quest Pro

- Quest 2: Geared towards socializing, gaming, and working out in VR. Portable and untethered.

- Quest Pro: Emphasis on mixed reality experiences, 3D visuals overlaid on physical spaces. Targeted at productivity and VR enthusiasts.

 Design and Comfort

- Quest Pro offers superior comfort with cushioning for the forehead and the back of the head.

- Weight distribution is better in Quest Pro compared to the front-heavy Quest 2.

- Quest Pro's design minimizes "messy hair" issues.

Display and Visuals

- Quest Pro boasts a thinner and higher-resolution display due to its pancake lens design.

- 37% more pixels per inch and 75% more contrast result in richer, more vibrant colors.

- Both headsets feature multiple cameras for room tracking.

Field of View and Performance

- Quest Pro offers a wider field of view - 106-degree horizontal compared to Quest 2's 96 degrees.

- Upgraded Snapdragon XR2+ chip provides 50% more power than Quest 2.

- Quest Pro's 90Hz refresh rate, while lower than Quest 2's 120Hz, is suitable for most VR experiences.

Mixed Reality Features

- Quest Pro's cameras support color pass-through, enhancing mixed reality experiences.

- Facial tracking is a significant advancement, enabling more expressive interactions.

- The headset is designed for users to see their physical surroundings while in VR.


- Both headsets have controllers with three cameras for precise tracking.

- Quest Pro's controllers introduce improved haptics, pinch sensor control, and stylus support.

- Quest Pro controllers are available separately for $300, while Quest 2 controllers use replaceable batteries.

 Battery Life and Charging

- Quest 2 has a battery life of 2-3 hours, whereas Quest Pro's battery life is estimated at 1-2 hours.

- Quest Pro includes a dock for continuous charging of the headset and controllers.

- Charging Quest 2 controllers may require a separate dock.

 Price Comparison

- Quest 2 offers two storage options at $400 and $500 (128GB and 256GB).

- Quest Pro comes in a single 256GB version priced at $1500.

- Quest Pro controllers alone cost nearly as much as a Quest 2 headset.


- Quest Pro and Quest 2 offer distinct experiences.

- Quest Pro excels in hardware and mixed reality features.

- Future testing will determine its effectiveness in productivity and social interactions.


- Invites viewers to share their thoughts on Quest Pro and whether they plan to purchase one or wait for the Quest 3.


- Host signs off, promising more in-depth reviews of the Quest Pro on their channel and website.

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