Reef Thongs for Wide Feet: The Best Options for a Comfortable Fit



Reef Thongs for Wide Feet: The Best Options for a Comfortable Fit


 Today, we're diving into the world of Reef sandals, or as we Aussies fondly call them, thongs. What better time to discuss these summer staples than during the glorious spring season? I've had my trusty pair of Reef thongs since February 2018, a birthday gift from my girlfriend. So, after 18 months of adventures, it's time to share my thoughts.

The Price Tag: Let's get this out of the way first—Reef thongs can be a bit of a splurge. Mine set me back a whopping $85, making them one of the priciest pairs I've ever owned. When my girlfriend revealed the price, I nearly had a heart attack. But hey, these are the top-of-the-line model with features that might justify the cost.

Early Color Fade: Now, here's a disappointing revelation. The color of these thongs started to fade within just two months of use. They were initially a cool gray-green shade, but the top layer couldn't withstand everyday wear. This color transformation was a letdown, especially for the price tag.

Bottle Opener Bonus: One unique feature of these Reef sandals is the built-in bottle opener on the bottom of each shoe. It took me a good six months to figure out what it was, but it's handy if you want to crack open a cold one with your footwear. Whether you'd actually use it is up to you.

Durability and Tread: Despite the color fading, the durability of these Reef thongs has been surprisingly good. I always walk with my heel slightly raised, which tends to wear out shoes faster in that area. But these thongs have held up well. The tread is still intact, and there's no significant toe imprint on the footbed, which is a common issue with cheaper options.

Logo Erosion: The logo on the back of the thongs has vanished due to wear and tear, but that's not a deal-breaker. What's more bothersome is the logo on the sides, which deteriorated within the first two months, adding to the initial color issue.

Conclusion: Would I buy these Reef thongs again? At the same price point, probably not. For $85, you'd expect them to maintain their looks for more than two months. While they've held up well otherwise, that early color fade and logo erosion were disappointments. Personally, I'd opt for a couple of $20-$25 pairs of any brand and rotate t

hem to avoid slipping issues as they age.

So, there you have it—a no-nonsense review of Reef flip-flops, where durability and utility met a bit of early disappointment. If you're ready to splurge, they might be for you. But if you're looking for long-lasting style, you might want to explore other options in the market.

What are your thoughts on Reef sandals? Share your flip-flop adventures with us!"

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